Looking for a thesis topic?


The following are possible thesis topics I am happy to propose. They are all related to the neutrino 0ν2β investigation. They are ordered by academic level.

A germanium detector for the LEGEND-200 experiment (Foto: Iris Abt, MPP)

PhD (Dottorato)

Building set-up, optical characterization of LAr and R&D for LEGEND-1000 (laboratory)

Analysis calibration data, background estimation with veto efficiency, first search for 0ν2β decays (analysis)

Development of doped plastics as Neutron absorbers and read-out for LEGEND-1000 and beyond (laboratory)

Master (Laurea Magistrale)

Simulations of cosmogenic backgrounds for fast veto development and development of related electronics (simulation/electronics)

Reflectivity measurements of Ge, Cu, Si in the Vacuum Ultra Violet regime with synchrotron light (laboratory)

Characterisation of liquid argon optical response coupled to standard or VUV SiPM or PMT(detector/lab)

The digital signal processing and noise filtering in Germanium diodes: the case of DPLMS applied to L200 for maximal energy resolution to  0ν2β (detector/data analysis) 

R&D for radio-pure and effective materials as neutron-absorbers for L1000(detector/lab)

Bachelor (Laurea Triennale)

Understanding the scintillation in liquid argon: the singlet and triplet components and the quenching effect of impurities (detector/simulation)

Elements of Digital Signal Processing in Solid State Detectors: a look at SiPM signals and rates in the LEGEND-200 LAr veto; or the response of Germanium diodes (detector/data analysis)

Production of neutrons from cosmic muons: how they look in germanium detectors (simulation)

Data analysis and uncertainties in the measurement of reflectivity of germanium, copper and silicon for rare events (detector/data analysis)

Evaluation of the 0ν2β discovery potential of LEGEND in various background scenarios (data analysis)